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Mul on silma(lau)d!// I have eye(lid)s!


Hommikul käisin silmalaugudelt niite eemaldamas. Kes veel ei tea, miks siis, lugege siit. Kuigi silmad on veel paistes ja silmaalused sinised nagu oleks ikka peksa saanud, siis esimest korda elus üle väga pika aja, nii pika, et ma tegelikult isegi ei mäleta, et mul laud üldse olemas oleks olnud, näen ma, et mul on silmalaud.

Kas ma teeksin seda operatsiooni uuesti? Ütleme ausalt, et ma eelistaks seda mitte teha, sest kuigi mitte valus, on see nagu iga teine operatsioon, ebamugav. Ei ole mõnus teada, et keegi nõelub su silmi. Liiga palju õudusfilme ilmselt. Taastumine oli ka ikkagi raske esimesed kolm päeva, seda ilmselt ka põhjusel, et ma ei võtnud taastumiseks puhkust. Kui olete samale opile minemas, siis ma rõhutan – andke esimesed päevad silmadele puhkust, ärge tehke arvutiga tööd. Mina olin kontoris, kus päevavalguslambid ja arvuti kindlasti kasuks ei tulnud. Eile näiteks hakkasid mu silmad töö juures nii valutama, et pidin koju minema ja pimedas olema. Nii et veelkord, kuulake, mis arst soovitab!

Kodust väljaspool liikusin ma päikeseprillidega ja natuke sai sellega nalja ka. Inimesed ikka vaatasid ju, et miks see jobu pimeduses prillidega, eriti veel käib keset toidupoodi. Või no kas just vaatasid, aga ma ise fantaseerisin, et vaatasid päikeseprillide vahelt paistvaid paistes, siniseid ja õmmeldud silmi ning mõtlesid kindlasti, et vaene naine, kannatab kindlasti koduvägivalla käes. Maniküüri minnes, jällegi oli juba ju pime, komberdasin prillid ees trepist alla ja lihtsalt pidin inimestele ütlema, et ausõna, ma ei ole peksa saanud, et ma olen lihtsalt silmalaugude opist natuke paistes. Kõige koomilisem võisin ma aga välja näha paar päeva tagasi kui Swedbanki kontorisse komberdasin. Ikka prillid ees, AGA boonuseks tuli mul saapatald täiesti lahti, nii et pidin selle ära tõmbama saapa alt ja nägin suure tõenäosusega välja nagu eluheidik. Lisaks sellele püüdsin ma pangast ilma igasugu isikut tõendavat dokumenti omamata saada kätte sularaha. “Mul varastati kõik asjad ära,” selgitasin ma, silmad sinised ja katkine saapatald käes. “Kas Teil pole kedagi lähedast, kellele raha kanda?” küsis teenindaja. “Ei,” vastasin ma, “mitte hetkel.” Teenindajal ilmselt hakkas must kahju, et vaene röövkallaletungi ohver, kel pole ka lähedasi ning nad tegid suure erandi ja ma sain sularaha (siiralt suur aitäh Järve keskuse Swedbankile!) . Ega nemad ei teadnud, et tegelikult pidasin ma selle “ei, mitte hetkel” all silmas seda, et mul oli hädasti kohe vaja sularaha, sest mu autol oli kütus otsas ja ma oleks lihtsalt teele jäänud. Ma ei ole harjunud pangakaardita elama ega ei ole mul ka kunagi sularaha väga palju rahakotis ja üldse ei mõelnud hommikul tööle sõites, et wait a minute, kuidas ma siis kütust võtan. Ühesõnaga, sain ma oma sularaha ja komberdasin katkise saapa ja siniste silmadega kõrvalolevasse tanklasse. Poeskäigu jätsin vahele, Murphy seadus on, et alati kui näed välja nagu trammi alla jäänud, näed mõnd vana tuttavat. Veel hullem peikat. Ma ei tahtnud.

Kui niidid eemaldatud, vaatasin ma peeglisse. Vau! Ausalt, ma ütlen küll seda ise, aga vau! Kes oleks osanud oodata, et silmalaud nii palju juurde annavad. Kohe nagu teine inimene. Ma ei jõua ära oodata, kuna haavad lõplikult paranevad, paistetus taandub ning ma saan minna kosmeetikusse, et lasta endale teha meik ja näha, mida tähendab see, kui laud on ka värvitud.

Silmalaud ja kogu muu muutumine saab teoks koostöös Medemis Clinic´uga


I went to remove the threads from my eyelids in the morning. If you don’t know why read it from HERE. Though my eyes are still swollen and I look like I have just been beaten up because of my black eyes, then after what feels like ages, well, I cannot even remember when exactly I could say I have eye lids, I actually have them now.

Would I have this operation again? To be honest, I wouldn’t repeat the procedure because like any other operation it’s uncomfortable. It is not nice knowing that somebody is “sewing” your eyes, too many horror movies I guess. The recovering process was harder during the first three days probably because I didn’t take any days off from work for the heeling process. If you are thinking of having this operation, trust me when I say – your eyes need that rest during the first days. And DO NOT use computer or laptop. I was in the office where fluorescentlamps and computers did no good to my eyes. For example one day, they started to hurt so bad that I had to go home and sit in the dark. Therefore, LISTEN to what your doctor advises you.  

Outside home I was wearing sunglasses, all the time, which probably looked funny. Most likely people were watching why this lady is walking around wearing sunglasses in dark days, especially in a supermarket. Well, I cannot say 100% that they were watching, but I was fantasizing to myself that surely they will spot the swollen and stitched black eyes behind the sunglasses and feel sorry for the woman who clearly is suffering under domestic violence. While going to get my nails done, again in the dark, I just had to explain myself to a stranger that I am not beaten up, but just recovering from an operation. The most awkward must have been my visit to bank, wearing the sunglasses of course, but this time, the sole of my boot had come loose so I had to tear it off leaving me looking like a homeless person. On top of this, I was trying to withdraw some money without any document. So I stood there with my black eyes and carrying the sole explaining the same time how “all my documents were stolen”. “ Don’t you have anyone whom you can make a transfer” the lady was trying to be helpful to which I could only reply “no, not at the moment.” She must have felt sorry for me so she made a big exception by giving me the cash (a very big thank you for this). It wasn’t her fault that by “No, not at the moment” I meant that I needed cash quickly as my car had run out of fuel and I wouldn’t have reached my destination. I am not used to live without a debit card and I never really have much cash on me and obviously I wasn’t thinking in the morning whilst driving to work that “hang on a minute, how will I pay for the fuel”. Anyway, I got the cash and stumbled to the petrol station nearby with my black eyes and broken boot. I intentionally missed going to the food store, because it’s a Murphy’s law that when you look like a crap, you will see somebody you know. In worst case scenario, that somebody will be your ex. I really didn’t want that.

Once the threads were removed, I had a look into the mirror. Wow! Honestly, wow, though I said it myself. Who would have though that eyelids add so much more. I looked like a different person. I cannot wait until I’m all heeled up, the swallowing is gone and I can go and have a full make-up done to see what it means when your eyelids have color on them too.

Correcting the eyelids and all the transformation process is possible thanks to the cooperation with Medemis Clinic.


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