Super hot model friend or “Well, actually, of course, I’m saying ‘A Very Happy Birthday with love from Pooh.”

Ma sain Klaudiaga tuttavaks paar aastat tagasi Norras elades. Üks mu sõbranna ütles, et teab üht tüdrukut, kel eestlasest elukaaslane ja soovitas meil kokku saada, et võib-olla saavad mehed omavahel sõpradeks. Noh, et Eesti mehed välismaal ei leia just väga lihtsalt sõpru ja pealegi kipuvad nad üsna vaiksed olema. Sain Klaudia telefoni numbri ja pidin kohtingu kokku leppima. Enne piilusin nagu tänapäeval ikka Instagramist ja Facebook´ist, et milline see Klaudia siis on.

Püha jeesus, ma pidin ta pilte nähes pikali kukkuma. Sihuke modell. Peenike nagu õlekõrs, jalad pilvepiirini ja nii särav naeratus. Liiga ilus, mõtlesin ma, mis meil küll ühist võiks olla. Ei siit midagi head tulla saa. raudselt huvitavad teda vaid meik ja kuulsused ja temaga ei ole midagi rääkida.

Saime siiski kokku ja kui tundus, et mehed küll omavahel kunagi suhtlema ei hakka (vaiksed eesti mehed, kel sõnu tuli tangidega suust välja kiskuda), siis Klaudia oli hoopis teistsugune. Sõbralik, elav ja jutukas. Modellivälimusega loomulikult ka. Hiljem sain ma teada, et ta ongi kunagi modell olnud. Me klappisime. Ja läks vaja veel mõned kohtingud, aga lõpuks hakkasid mehed ka suhtlema. Nii me sõpradeks saimegi.

Ära hinda raamatut kaante järgi. Klaudia on üks huvitavamaid inimesi, kellega koos olla ja juttu rääkida. Me oleme sarnasemad kui ma oleksin osanud arvata.


Täna on Klaudia üks mu parimaid sõpru. Lillehammeris olles elame me tihti lausa nende juures, sest Klaudia ja Jaagup on nagu teine perekond. Meil saab alati nii palju nalja. “Keeping Up With The Eastern Europeans” oleks meie teleseriaal kui me oleksime kuulsad;) Nii palju situatsioonikoomikat, et sõnades teistele on raske edasigi anda. Meile meeldivad sarnased asjad – ilusad riided, õudusfilmid, Edvard Munch, Tommy Cash, Ida… Ainult toidumaitse on meil erinev. Mingil põhjusel ei meeldi Klaudiale lutefisk.


PALJU ÕNNE SÜNNIPÄEVAKS, KLAUDIA! Wszystkiego najlepszego!

So Owl wrote… and this is what he wrote:
Pooh looked on admiringly.
“I’m just saying ‘A Happy Birthday’,” said Owl carelessly.
“It’s a nice long one,” said Pooh, very much impressed by it.
“Well, actually, of course, I’m saying ‘A Very Happy Birthday with love from Pooh.’ Naturally it takes a good deal of pencil to say a long thing like that.”
“Oh, I see,” said Pooh.


I got to know Klaudia a few years ago when living in Norway. One of my girlfriends said that she knew a girl who had an Estonian partner and suggested that we get together so that men might be friends with each other. As you know Estonian men abroad do not find friends very easily, and, moreover, they tend to be quite quiet. I received the phone number to Klaudia and set a date for four of us. Before meeting them I checked from  Instagram and Facebook how did Klaudia look like. 

Holy, Moses, I fell down from a chair when I saw the pictures. Such a supermodel.  Too beautiful, I wthought, we can have nothing in common. She´s probably into parties and make up and it will be boring to talk to her. 

However, we got together and when it seemed that the men would never interact with each other (silent Estonian men, not a word coming out of their mouths), Klaudia was quite different. Friendly, lively and talkative. Of course, looked like a model also. Later I got to know that she had been a model. We got together a few times more, also men started to talk and hit it off, and this is how we came friends. 

Never judge a book by its cover. Klaudia is one of the sweetest, friendliest and most interesting people to be together with. Such a sweetheart!

Today, Claudia is one of my best friends. At Lillehammer, we often live with them, because Klaudia and Jaagup are like a second family. We always have so much fun. “Keeping Up With The Eastern Europeans” would be our TV show if we were famous;) There are so many jokes  that it’s hard to express in  words to others. We like similar things – beautiful clothes, horror movies, Edvard Munch, Tommy Cash, Ida …
We only like different food. For some reasons Klaudia does not like lutefisk.



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