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Kutsume labidat labidaks ehk kanakarjast//The overall bullying by a herd of cows has to be stopped


Mina ei tunne Tiit Ojasood. Inimesena. Lavastajana küll. Mulle meeldib. Inimesena võib olla ei meeldiks, ma ei tea. Ma ei tea ka seda, kas tal on kombeks vabal ajal naisi peksta või miks ta tookord toda naist peksis, aga mul on tunne, et tema kallal on “meediapeks” juba liiga kaugele läinud. Vaatame enda sisse ja tunnistame ausalt, kas me kõik oleme ilmeksimatud inimesed? Mitte et me käiks ringi ja peksaks teisi inimesi ning ütleks, et kellel ei juhtuks, vaid kui me vaatame enda sisse, kas meil kellelgi pole ühtegi luukere kapis? Mitte ühtegi?

Meie ühiskond on varsti nii p…e keeratud, et keegi ei julgegi varsti enam midagi öelda, sest kunagi ei tea, kes sõnasabast kinni haarab ja/või end solvatuna tunneb. Vaadake, kas või blogimist. Varsti ei julge enam arvamust avaldadagi, sest kunagi ei tea, kes ridade vahelt end ära tunneb ja solvub. Ma ei poolda avalikus kohas avalikult imetamist  = ma ei tea, miks naistel rinnad on, kus see ema siis oma last peaks imetama, kas sa paned pea räti alla kui sööd, kui sa ei näe selles ilu, siis sa oled haige, pervert, kes arvab, et emad peaksid keldris pimedas imetama, et mitte minusuguseid oksele ajada. Mäletate?

Ma olen Urmas Reinsaluga sama meelt, et “On täiesti reaalne oht, et läheme ühiskonnana kollektiivselt lolliks. Ojasoo pole märter, ärge temast oma jaburate masspetitsioonidega seda tehke. Ta on lavastaja ja las ta siis lavastab. Keegi ei räägi talle ju ordeni andmisest. Vabariigi aastapäeva lavastus on lavastus. Praegune kiljumine meenutab Amadeuse filmist nähtud Austria keisri õukonda, kus parukates isandad halavad idiootselt käituva Mozarti üle. Meil on õigusriik, kus on keskne õiglus. Igaühel on õigus õiglusele. Kuid inimlikus ühiskonnas käib üle õigluse halastus. See mõiste on paljuski kaotanud oma kehtivuse, aga meie südames on ta ju alles. Kullakesed, leidke see endas kiiresti üles ja minge oma eluga edasi! Või tehke konstruktiivne ettepanek võtta Ojasoolt lavastaja load ära. Eluks ajaks.

Mis  -kas ta julges naisi “kullakesteks” nimetada? Ahistaja, eksju? Alandab naisi! #metoo ja ahistamine ja feministid on mind ammu juba hulluks ajanud. See on läinud üle igasuguse piiri. Kes see alles hiljuti kirjutas, et pole ühtegi naist, kel ei oleks oma ahistamislugu rääkida? Manona Paris? Minul ei ole oma ahistamislugu rääkida. Karjas kaagutamine muudab päris probleemi minu arvates hoopiski meediatsirkuseks. Vägivald ja ahistamine on pärisprobleemid, nendega tuleb tegeleda ja hukka mõista, aga kogu see “aih, ta näpistas mind tagumikust, milline värdjas” on juba hoopis teine äärmus. #metoo on nagu sugudevaheline sõda,, mis võib kaasa tuua sõnavabaduse piiramise ja totalitarismi nagu ütles Kanada kirjanik Margaret Atwood. (Hollywoodi) naised on tihti ise provotseerijad – lugege Brigitte Bardot ja Catherine Deneuve arvamusi – ja mu meelest on hetkel väga raske olla mees. Kui ma oleks mees, siis ma ei julgeks naistega isegi rääkida, sest iga asi võib viia selleni, et sind sildistatakse ahistajaks.

Ja nüüd siis järgmine lollus. Kui rääkida EV kontserdi lavastusest, siis minu meelest pole küsimus üldse selles, KES lavastab, vaid KELLELE lavastab. Ma pean ausalt ütlema, et minule on suur osa nendest lavastustest meeldinud, on olnud sellised sürreaalsed, kohati sünged, aga mulle meeldivad. Samas olen ma kuulnud palju kriitikat, et kontserdid on liiga sügavad, et on ju kogu rahva pidu, olgu siis veidike “rahvalikum”, et ka tädi Maali ja onu Heino peost osa saaks.  Pigem kaagutagem siis selle kallal ja nõuame, et Tõnis Mägi laulaks “Koitu” ja Jarek Kasar “Minu inimesi”. Aga hakata allkirju koguma selle vastu, et president on lubanud “naisepeksjast” HEAL lavastajal kontserdi lavastada on kergelt öeldes naljakas.

Aga see pole veel kõik. Urmas Reinsalu toob Ojasoo kaitsmiseks näite kirjandusklassikast –  “Ken Kesey raamatus “Lendas üle käopesa” saab McMurphy’il õde Ratchedi juhendamisel toimuvast alandamisest villand ja ta käratab, et kanakarja kambakas ära lõpetataks. Just see tunne oli mul hommikul, kui lugesin massiüleskutset, et Ojasoo ei tohi aastapäevaetendust lavastada”  ja pole vaja kaua oodata kui feministid talle peale lendavad. Liisa Oviir on ehe näide kibestunud lumehelbekesest. Kes astus tema varba peale? Kes teda solvas? Kas keegi on heaks kiitnud naistevastast vägivalda? Või äkki julges keegi jälle vahelduseks öelda, kui absurdseks ühiskond muutumas on. Lähemegi kõik kollektiivselt lolliks! Pead maha kõigil, kes suu julgevad lahti teha. Ja jumal hoidku, ühe korra elus eksida!

I don’t know Tiit Ojasoo. As a person. I know him as a director. I like him. I might not like him as a person, I don’t know. I also don’t know if he has the habit of beating women on his spare time or why did he beat that particular woman at that time, but I have a feeling, that the media has been “beating” him a bit too much by now. Let’s look inside ourselves and admit, truthfully, have we not made any mistakes at all? I have hit my child, not beat her, but hit. I did feel like a bad mother. Should I “be marked” now for the rest of my life? Or do I have the right to move on and be a good mother to my child? As good as I can be. Or should I be taken away my motherly rights?

Our society will soon be so f***d up, that no one will dare to say anything, because you never know, who might misunderstand your words and feel insulted. Look at blogging for example. Soon you will not have the courage to express your opinion, because you will never know, who recognizes himself from between the lines and gets offended. I do not favor breastfeeding publicly = I don’t know, why women have breasts; where should mum feed her child then; do you hide your head under a scarf when you eat; if you can’t see the beauty of it, you are a pervert, a sick human being who thinks that breastfeeding should be only done in dark cellar so it wouldn’t make people like me sick. Remember?

I agree with one of our politicians, Urmas Reinsalu, that “It is quite possible that we as a society will soon loose our minds. Ojasoo is not a martin, don’t make him into one with your stupid mass petitions. He is a director and let him do his job. Nobody is talking about giving him an Order. The play for the anniversary of our republic is just a play. The squealing going on at the moment reminds more of the court in Austrian  emperor seen in the Amadeus film, where lords in wigs are moaning about Mozart, who is acting like an idiot. Our state is acting according to the law baring in mind justice. Everyone has the right for justice. But in humane society, mercy overrules justice. That concept has lost most of its meaning, but it still remains in our hearts. Dear all, find it quickly inside of you and move on with your life! Or put together a constructive proposal to forbid Ojasoo to direct anything again. Forever.”

What – did he actually dared to call women darlings? Harasser, right? Humiliating women. #metoo and harassing and feminism have driven me crazy for a long time. It has lost any sensible boundaries. Who was it that wrote not long time ago that there is not a single woman, who wouldn’t have her own harassment story to tell? Manona Paris? I don’t have one to tell. If you keep going on and on and on about one topic, it becomes media circus. Violence and harassment are real problems, we need to tackle and condemn them. But all this“oh dear, he pinched me from my butt, what an asshole” is going too far with it all. #metoo it is like a war between the genders, that can restrict the freedom of speech and cause totalitarianism, like one Canadian writer, Margaret Atwood, said. The women (in Hollywood) are too often the provokers – read for example the opinions of Bridgitte Bardo and Catherine Deneuve – and in my opinion, it is quite difficult to be a man. If I was a man, I wouldn’t dare to speak to women at all, because any simple and small thing can lead up to you being called an harasser.

And now next stupidity. When talking about the play for the anniversary of our republic, then I don’t think the question is about WHO directs it, but more TO WHOM it is directed. I have to admit that I have liked majority of the plays, they have been surreal, a bit grim, but I liked them. The same time I have heard a lot of criticism about the concerts being too deep; it is more a party to the whole nation so why couldn’t the plays be a bit more easy, so everyone can understand them. Why don’t people keep on going about that and insist national songs like “Koit” (“Dawn”) by Tõnis Mägi and “Minu inimesed” (“My people”) by Jarek Kasar to be sung. But start collecting signatures against a GOOD director, who beat a women, to produce a concert allowed by the president, is comic to tell you the least.

 But that’s not it. Urmas Reinsalu is bringing an example from literary classics to defend Ojasoo – in Ken Kesey’s book “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”, McMurphy has enough of the humiliation led by nurse Ratched and he shouts that the overall bullying by a herd of cows has to be stopped. I had the exact same feeling when reading about Ojasoo should not be allowed to direct the play. … You don’t have to wait too long, until feminists attack him. Liisa Oviir is one good example of a bitter snowflake. Who stepped on her toe? Who insulted her? Has anybody approved the violence against women? Or maybe somebody actually dared to point out, how absurd the society is becoming? Let’s all turn collectively stupid! I bow to anyone, who dares to open their mouth. And god help you, if you have been wrong one time in your life!

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