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“Sa peaks juukseid tihedamini lahti kandma, nii kena on!” //Me and my rough hair


Mul on hästi karmid juuksed. Sellised, mis elavad oma elu ja väga dressuurile ei allu. Mul on olnud erinevaid lõikusi vist 378463287 korda, aga ma ei ole kunagi rahul, sest 1) need soengud näevad kenad välja ajakirjades 2) mu juuksed elavad reaalselt oma elu ja 3) ma ei saa tegelikult kunagi seda, mida ma tahan. Mida ma tahan? Ma tahan, et ma saaksin juuksed lihtsalt ära pesta, föönitada ja uksest välja astuda. Lisaks on mu juuksed tänu pikaajalisele töötlemisele ka üsna kuivad.

Kuivade juuste probleem lahenes siis kui mu tuttav hakkas Placent Aktiv tooteid maale tooma. Ega ma alguses nende imevõimesse väga ei uskunud, aga sain hea hinnaga ja hakkasin kasutama. Jäin sõltuvusse. Ilma liialdamata (ja ühtegi senti reklaami eest saamata) ütlen, need tooted on olnud parim leid. Juuksed jäid eriti puhtad ja siledad ja kohevad. Pean muidugi jälle ütlema, et mul olid üsnagi arvestusväärselt paksud juuksed, kuid uskuge mind, vannun käsi südamel, nende kahe toote kasutamisel olid mu juuksed VEEL tunduvalt paksemad. Ja siidisemad.

Vahepeal tekkis toodete kasutamisse paus. Miks? Sellele on väga lihtne vastus. Kui mu šampoon otsa saab, siis ostan ma uue asemele just sealt, kust parasjagu mugav. Kui see tuleb meelde juuksurisalongis, ostan sealt, kui Selveris, siis sealt, kui Body Shopis või apteegis, siis sealt.

Peale seda kui rasedus mu juustele üks-null tegi ja need katkised, murduvad, kuivad ja elutud olid, pöördusin ma tagasi PA juurde, juurde hakkasin kasutama ka juuksekasvu soodustavaid seerume. Sest no mul oli tunne, et ma jään kiilaks. Juba peale lühikest aega peale seda küsiti minult, mis lahti. Et juuksed olevat nii kohevad ja paksud. Vastasin, et olen vaid pead pesnud. Ja see vastas tegelikult tõele. Alloleval pildil ei ole ma juukseid isegi föönitanud.

Mingi hetk tegin ma nende toodete kasutamises pausi. Ilmselt juhtus see siis kui läksime Norra elama. Juuksed muutusid kuivaks ja traadiseks (ma ei tea, kas see on pärissõna?), selliseks nagu kasutatud pudelihari.

Mitu aastat olen ma olnud hea ja mulle sobiva šampooni ostingutel, viimase aja kehvim ost oli mingi Natura Siberica vms. Juuksed olid järgmisel päeval kohe jõle rasvased. Täiesti harjumatu, sest põhimõtteliselt võin ma nädal aega käia pead pesemata ja te ei saaks isegi väga aru, et need mustad on. Üsna okei ost on olnud meie oma Orto šampoonid. Kuna ma olen tihti pidanud šampooni ostma laevast, siis on Orto greibi ja nõgese šampoonid olnud viimased kaks aastat ülekaalukalt need šampoonid, mida ma kasutanud olen. Julgen täitsa kiita ja ilmselt kui poleks uuesti pooljuhuslikult Placent Aktivi otsa sattunud, kasutaksin siiani just Puhta Looduse tooteid. (Veidi teemast kõrvale kaldudes, siis PL kurgiekstraktiga tooted on väga ammusest ajast mu ühed lemmikud!)

Nüüd olen ma Placent Aktivit (nii šampooni, palsamit kui seerumit) kasutanud detsembrist alates ja teate, ma täiesti käsi südamel tahaks endalt küsida, et MIKS ma seda kogu aeg kasutanud pole. Juuksed on nii mõnusad. Kohevad. Siledad. Puhtad. Täpselt sellised nagu siis kui ma neid tooteid kogu aeg kasutasin. Terved!

Parim osa asja juures? Ma pesen pea ära, kuivatan ära ja astun uksest välja. “Sa peaksid oma juukseid tihedamini niimoodi lahti kandma,” ütles mulle üks kolleeg täna, “nii kena ja kohev, poleks osanud arvatagi.”  Muidugi ei osanud, sest veel kuu aega tagasi ei olnud mu juuksed sellised.

Toote kohta saate rohkem lugeda kodulehelt


I’ve got rather rough hair. The kind that has a mind of its own and cannot really be tamed. I must have had about 378463287 different haircuts but I’ve never been happy because 1) these haircuts look good only in magazines; 2) my hair actually does have a mind of its own; and 3) I never actually get what I want. So what do I want? I just want that I could simply wash my hair, blow dry it and step out of the house. In addition, “thanks” to years of handling, my hair is also pretty dry.

My problem with dry hair got a solution when a friend of mine started importing Placent Aktiv products. In all honesty, I didn’t believe in their magic powers at first, but the price was right and I started using them. I got addicted! I am not exaggerating (or getting a single penny for the ad) when I say that those products have been my best discovery. My hair was really clean and smooth after a wash and had plenty of volume. I must admit, of course, that I had a pretty noticeably full head of hair anyway, but I swear to god, after using those two products, my hair was even thicker. And more silky smooth.

I then had a small break in using those products. Why? Well, there’s a really simple answer to that: when I run out of shampoo, I buy the new one exactly where I happen to be just out of convenience. So, if I happen to remember to buy it at the hair saloon, then I get it from there; if I’m in a supermarket, then there, and if I’m in Body Shop or in a pharmacy, then I buy it there.

After my pregnancy had had the best of my hair and it had become damaged, brittle, dry and lifeless, I turned back to PA. I also added their serums that boost hair growth, because I felt like I was going bald! After only a short while, people were asking me what had happened. My hair looked so thick and had loads of volume. I said that I had just washed it. And that was the simple truth! I didn’t even need to blow dry it!

At some point I took another break from using PA products. It must have been when we moved to Norway. My hair became dry and looked like wires, it was like I could use them to scrub out dirty bottles!

I have been in search of a good shampoo that would suit me for years! The worst purchase of recent times has been Natura Siberica or something like that. My hair was really greasy the very next day already. That was completely unusual for me because normally I could walk around without washing my hair for a week and you probably wouldn’t even notice it. Our own Estonian shampoos from Orto have been pretty okay. As I often happen to need to buy shampoo while on a boat, over the last two years I have mainly used their grapefruit and nettle shampoos. I’m happy to praise them and if I hadn’t stumbled upon Placent Aktiv once again, I’d probably still be using Orto’s Puhas Loodus products. (A bit off topic but the products with cucumber extract from Puhas Loodus have been some of my favourites for ages!)

I have now been using Placent Aktiv shampoo, conditioner and serum since December and you know what? I really want to ask myself why, oh why I haven’t kept using these for all those years! My hair feels so lush! Voluminous. Smooth. Clean. Exactly like it felt when I used these products previously. Healthy!

Do you know what’s the best thing about it all? I wash my hair, dry it and walk out of the house. “You should wear your hair loose like that more often,” a colleague told me today. “ It looks so nice and big, I never would have guessed!” Well, of course you wouldn’t have because only a month ago my hair didn’t look like that.

You can read more on Placent Aktiv products over at



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