I died (of jealousy) and went to heaven


See on nüüd üks selliseid postitusi, kus ma ütlen ausalt, et ma tunnen iga keharakuga kadedust. Ja mul ei ole seda isegi häbi tunnistada, sest no mis ma ikka teen kui sellised tunded mind valdasid peale “historisk hage” (ajalooline aed) külastust Sveinhaug Gård’ is (LINK). See on minu absoluutne uus lemmikkoht Lillehammeri kandis. Oligi juba aeg, sest kuigi Maihaugen on ikka kindlalt top 3-s, siis natuke “värsket verd” kulus ära. Godværskafè (Hea ilma kohvik) on lausa geniaalne ja toit hellitab köhtu nii minusugusel kui taimetoitlasel. Koht ise asub Moelvist ca 2 km, nii et kui siia kanti satute SUVEL (sest aed ja pansionaat olid sel nädalavahetusel viimast korda sel aastal avatud; talveperioodil saab majas ööbida kui koos viieliikmeline grupp vöi broneerida seda üritusteks), siis see on koht, KUHU PEAB MINEMA. Miks? Ma ei oska seda sönadesse panna. Vaadake parem pilte. Mina olen armunud! Ja kade! Kade, sest sellest ajast kui kunagi “ökovanaema ja Martin” sai kirjutatud, olen ma alati salamisi millestki sellisest unistanud. Küll tagasihoidlikumast versioonist, kuid siiski. Laiem pilt on unistusele üsna sarnane.

PS. Galeriis oli parasjagu ka Elena Engelsen skulptuuride näitus. Tema köige tuntum teos seisab aga ilmselt Oslos. See sama “Tiigrilinna” tiiger, kes talupoegi suurlinna eest hoiatab Oslo S ees.


All my body is full of jelousy right now and I am not even ashamed of it. After visiting the most wonderful farm yard these are the feelings. Cannot help it. I will probably dream of of owning this place tonight, because I must confess that a place like this has been a dream of mine since I published “Eco granny & Martin” children’s book. A more modest version of course, but the wider picture is exactly something like this. I AM IN LOVE. And I tell you that this is my new favorite place in Lillehammer region. Maihaugen still is in top3, but a bit of “fresh blood” was needed. Sveihaug gård (LINK) approximately 2 km from Moelv is a PLACE YOU MUST VISIT. It’s like dieing and going to heaven. If you of course like this historical romantic places. If not, well then it’s not for you. It is opened in summertime (this weekend was unfortunately the last this year) and there is also a pensjonat for accomdation. Definately a place where I wish to stay now. In winter period it is opend for groups (min 5 people). Can I please have my 40th birthday there, dear God? Or Santa?

The “Godværskafè” (Good weather Cafè) is such a cool concept and the food is local and different from what you usually are served in Norway (at least I have been).

I am pretty much dieing of envy, it is hard to describe in words how AMAZING it is, just take a look at the photos and you`ll understand what I mean.

PS: In the gallery there was an exhibition of Elenea Engelsen sculptures. Her most famost piece of work is in Oslo S – the Tiger of “Tiger City” saying “Watch out for big city, farmer!” Do you know the poem by Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson? You can read a bit about it for example here.


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