Our first experience as airbnb hosts

As you know I decided to put our house on airbnb hosts list. I must honestly say I had no idea what this actually means and how it works or whether someone would like to stay at our “Villa Villekulla” (LINK), but as I understood from others the site was totally trustworthy and there was nothing to be afraid and so I decided to try. My husband was sceptical.

To my surprise we got quite soon four inquiries and one of these turned into accepted booking. When I saw the green check in the calender I was a bit worried. How will it go? Will the guests be satisfied? Will they like it? Is it up to their expectations? I mean our house is really like a Pippi’s house, things not entirely finished, some things needing renovation and away from the city, not easily accessed by public transportation. The train stops in Keila 5 km away and you need to take a taxi if you don’t have own car. So…there were so many questions and frights as well.  I can find our house romantic and shabby and chic or artistic with personality, but will it be what the guests wish to see.


Anyway…last week our first guests arrived. I was sitting like on needles thinking if they will send me an sms, saying that this is not what they saw on photos. And I got an sms. Probably the house was not what they saw on photos. It was much better. “Wonderful house” they said to me, the children were happy to have the cats in the house and playground for playing football. I was relieved. The nature and surroundings are truly wonderful in “Villa villekulla” and perhaps one of the main reasons why to stay at us. So calm and relaxing.


Although the first messages were very positive, I still was a bit afraid all of the time. Perhaps something is not working, perhaps they will get bored, perhaps… I wanted our guests to have a nice vacation without regrets so I was all the time thinking did we do enough. When I yesterday got a new sms from them saying that they had a wonderful time and perhaps will come back again, I was satisfied. We did it! I was happy!

I am in Norway but my husband said these guests had been amazing because the house looked even cleaner now, they had even washed the floors. So even my sceptical husband said new airbnb guests are more than welcome. All the communication and payments went also smoothly. Nothing to be worried.


And I think perhaps we will take a small trip to Berlin next year. I now know nice hosts in Germany and I would love to go to Berlin again. To my surprise I also found out that I can communicate in German. I understood everything, but had problems in answering in German, I don’t think I have ever used this language activly.


Meie esimene airbnb võõrustaja kogemus on nüüd selja taga. Kui ma suvel meie kodu sinna lehele kirja panin, ei osanud ma tegelikult arvata,. mida see täpselt tähendab ja endaga kaasa toob ja kas keegi peaks üldse tahtma meie juures ööbida. Minu suureks üllatuseks tuli üsna pea neli päringut, millest üks ka broneeringuks muutus. Kui ma nüüd nägin kalendri juures rohelist linnukest, mis aksepteeris külalised, olin ma tõeliselt hirmul.

Kas külalised jäävad rahule? Kas see vastab nende ootustele? Ega see pole linnast liiga kaugel? jne jne. Mulle õudselt meeldib külalisi võõrustada, kuid ikka tahad ju parimat ja ei oska täpselt kindel olla, kas tegid kõik. Toad said korda, puhtad linad vooditesse, käterätikud, lilled, toit külmkappi, aga ikkagi…Ma kartsin saada sõnumit, et võib olla tegelikkus ei vasta piltidele. Sõnumi ma ka sain.

Tundus, et tegelikkus meeldis külalistele veelgi rohkem. Milline kergendus! Ja kui nad lahkudes saatsid sõnumi, et nende puhkus oli oivaline ning nad tulevad ehk tagasigi, tundsin ma täielikku kergendust. Me saime hakkama! Isegi Marek, kes skeptiline oli olnud, ütles, et selliste külaliste jaoks on “Villa Villekülla” alati avatud. Maja läikis peale nende lahkumist nagu prillikivi.

Uute külalisteni, ega’s muud!



5 thoughts on “Our first experience as airbnb hosts

  1. Oh, nii tore, et kõik selle kogemusega hästi läks! 🙂 Olen isegi mõelnud, et ehk saaks ja tahaks seda proovida, aga pole veel julgenud – ehk kunagi…

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