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Pigs are filthy animals. I don’t eat filthy animals


Vincent: Want some bacon?

Jules: No man, I don’t eat pork.

Vincent: Are you Jewish?

Jules: Nah, I ain’t Jewish, I just don’t dig on swine, that’s all.

Vincent: Why not?

Jules: Pigs are filthy animals. I don’t eat filthy animals.

Vincent: Bacon tastes gooood. Pork chops taste gooood.

Jules: Hey, sewer rat may taste like pumpkin pie, but I’d never know ’cause I wouldn’t eat the filthy motherfucker. Pigs sleep and root in shit. That’s a filthy animal. I ain’t eat nothin’ that ain’t got sense enough to disregard its own feces.

Vincent: How about a dog? Dogs eats its own feces.

Jules: I don’t eat dog either.

Vincent: Yeah, but do you consider a dog to be a filthy animal?

Jules: I wouldn’t go so far as to call a dog filthy but they’re definitely dirty. But, a dog’s got personality. Personality goes a long way.

Vincent: Ah, so by that rationale, if a pig had a better personality, he would cease to be a filthy animal. Is that true?

Jules: Well we’d have to be talkin’ about one charming motherfuckin’ pig. I mean he’d have to be ten times more charmin’ than that Arnold on Green Acres, you know what I’m sayin’?

(“Pulp Fiction”)

Sometimes I feel I am being discriminated by vegeterians. Don’t get me wrong I have always respected the people who have chosen to cut out meat from their menus  for ethical reasons, whenever I see a photo of sweet little pigs being sent to a slaughtery, I feel bad about eating meat, but I feel things are still a bit tilted.

I mean vegeterians often say that how can we, human, decide whom to eat, why do we feel superior, why do we get to choose. Well, okay, we have enough brains to have discussions about this topic, but please tell me, how should I tell a lion to not to  eat that sweet little Bambi? Animals eat animals. It’s called food. The same way we eat pork and poultry. And let’s say I understand the animals have feelings-part of being a vegetarian, but I cannot understand why it is not okay to drink milk. The cow with udder full of milk is suffering if not milked, and what to do with the milk then? Throw it away? Why?

Every year when we celebrate Midsummer, someone asks why do people drink and eat meat on this Eve. I ask – why cannot I do that? I don’t think it is okay to drink yourself unconscious (just because it is Midsummer Eve) and eat all the meat in the world, but I cannot understand why it is a bad thing. Why there are always campaigns like let’s have “meat and alcohol free midsummer”?  And people are sharing “did not eat meat this midsummer” on their Facebook walls like it’s some kind of an accomplishment. Do they think they deserve a medal? The same with people saying “no hangover this midsummer”. Is that the bigget achievment in your life?

“Let the animals also celebrate Midsummer!” the vegetarians share on their walls.

Don’t tell me that I like meat just because I have not tried vegetarian dishes. I eat a lot of vegetables, I am always pro no tastes and dishes and to be quite frank we eat not that much meat anyway. In fact, I eat that little meat, that one could call me a vegetarian. But a good barbecue also includes meat for me. And I don’t understand why people are telling me it’s wrong? I don’t make fun of vegetarians, it’s their choice, I don’t tell them that they will lack some vitamins or minerals when not eating meat, but whenever I am in discussion with a vegetarian, they try to convince me in how bad of a human it makes me. “And do you know what it doesn do your body?” they whisper like they’re about to reveal the location of a holy grail. (PS: I have seen “The Da Vinci Code”, I know where the grail is)

It’s like a trend to be a vegetarian now. To be “in fashion” you need to be 1) a hipster and 2) if not vegan, at least a vegetarian. Suddenly everyone is talking about it. I read a discussion yesterday when people were discussing how cutting out meat has opened their eyes to new dinner ideas, how they now can cook *insert a fancy vegetarian dish name here* and *here*. I say it has nothing to do with becoming a vegetarian, you have just been lazy and not liked to experiment with food before.

Also people were saying how one semi-famous person is “growing up finally” because she has decided to become a vegetarian. Really? Does that show being a grown up? There are many other ways to make the world a better place.

And for crying out loud, if you think about animals’ feelings so much, stop wearing those leather shoes and jackets!

Mõnikord on mul tunne, et taimetoitlased diskrimineerivad mind. Ühtäkki ei ole enam okei liha süüa. Kui tahad olla hipp ja trendikas, siis 1) pead sa olema hipster ja 2) kui mitte vegan, siis taimetoitlane. Ärge mõistke mind valesti, ma söön üldiselt väga vähe liha ja austan vägagi neid inimesi, kes eetilistel põhjustel liha ei söö. Vaadates tapamajadesse saadetavaid põssasid, tekib ka mul endal paha tunne, et üks armas notsu varsti vorstina minu saial lõpetab, kuid sellegi poolest on mul tunne, et asjad on natukene üle võlli läinud.

Ma saan aru, et me inimesed oleme intelligentsed olevused ning saame sel teemal arutleda/vaielda, kuid tehke mulle selgeks, kuidas ma ütleks lõvile, et ole hea mees, jäta see Bambi söömata, ehk proovid selle asemel hoopis štoovitud porgandit? Loomale on teine loom toit. Nii nagu meile on toit sealiha või kana: Toitumisahel. Ja kui ma juba palun endale asju selgitada, siis palun öelge mulle, miks lehmapiima joomine paha on. Kui lehma udarat mitte tühjendada, on tal valus. Lüpsmisel saadakse aga piima. Mis sellega siis teha kui seda juua ei tohi? Ära viskama? Miks?

Igal jaanipäeval ilmub välja keegi, kes küsib, et miks peab jaanipäeval sööma liha ja jooma alkoholi. Mina küsin vastu, et aga miks ei või? Muidugi ei poolda ma enda oimetuks joomist ja ülesöömist, aga seda ei poolda ma ka igal muul ajal. Jaanipäev ei ole selles mõttes midagi teistsugust. Sel aastal nägin ma FBs paljusid oma seinal sheerimas olulist infot “lihavabad jaanid. Jeei!” (lisaks vanale klassikale “polegi pohmakat. täitsa lõpp!”). Mis me nüüd siis teeme, anname teile medali?

Ei, ma ei arvusta inimeste valikuid. Ma ei jaga neid totakaid lauseid, et “taimetoitlase kõht läheb tühjaks kui niidetud muru lõhna tunneb” või ei seleta kusagil, et appi kui sa liha ei söö, siis sa jääd sellest ja tollest vitamiinist-mineraalist ilma. Aga – vat taimetoitlased püüavad mulle igal sekundil selgeks teha KUI halb inimene ma olen, et liha söön ja sosistavad mulle vandeseltslaslikult, et kas ma ikka tean, mis see mu kehaga teeb. Nad oleks nagu avaldamas Püha Graali asukohta. (Ma olen “Da Vinci koodi” näinud, ma tean Pühast Graalist kõike.) Ja ei, asi ei ole selles, et ma ei ole “veel avastanud, kuidas lihavaba oleks avas uued maitsed ja võimalused”. Ma olen AMMU toitudes väga palju juurvilju kasutanud, kui sina, kallis taimetoitlane, seda varem ei teinud, siis oled sa lihtsalt varem laisk olnud ja mitte viitsinud toiduga katsetada. Lihast loobumine ei puutu üldse asjasse.

Ma juhtusin lugema üht arutelu, kus kõik värsked taimetoitlased/lihavabad-jaanid arutlesid, milliseid “sisesta siia uhke taimetoidu nimi” nad nüüd teha oskavad. Üksteist trumbati retseptidega üle. See kiskus juba halenaljakaks. Ja tagatipuks kiideti üht pool-kuulsat inimesest, et tema ka lõpuks täiskasvanuks saab ja on avastanud taimetoidu. “Ehk nii jõuab taimetoitlus veel rohkemateni,” kiitsid nad teda taevani.

Kas taimetoitlus näitab täiskasvanulikkust? Ma ise olen arvanud, et on veel sadu mooduseid, kuidas maailma parandada. Ja jumala eest, kui sa võitled loomade tunnete eest, siis ära kanna neid nahast kingi ja jakke. Ka see nahk ei ole kasvanud ökoloogiliselt puu otsas.

Ma arvan, ethetkel on massiline taimetoitluse-usku keeramine tibake ikka moe värk. See lihtsalt on moes. Nii nagu on moes habemed ja  meeste juuksekrunnid…



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